Unions Tasmania is urging the community to boycott Saputo products until the multinational dairy producer stops paying Tasmanians less than it pays workers at its mainland sites.

Workers at Saputo Dairy Australia manufacture popular consumer brands including Cheer, Cracker Barrell, Devondale, Great Ocean Road, King Island Dairy, Liddells, Mersey Valley, Mil Lel, South Cape, Sungold and Tasmanian Heritage across several Australian sites. But Saputo is refusing to pay workers at its Burnie site the same as it pays people in the same jobs in Victoria.

Unions Tasmania and our affiliate unions are united behind AMWU and CEPU members taking action for pay parity at Saputo. We don't deserve to be paid less just because of where we live.

Saputo workers have travelled the state, talking to Tasmanians about the shocking 23.5% mainland wage gap they are facing compared to their interstate workmates. Their story has even reached the Tasmanian Parliament, who voted unanimously to support calls from Saputo workers for pay parity.


May be an image of ‎8 people and ‎text that says "‎AEC TH TUHH HK/T HERI BEESTINGE ERITAGE מסזאט M pywR CHIA Saprito Saputo WE'RE CHEESED OFEL KLECTRI 年 M .리 A6MAH SAPUTO NO SHOW! AMWU TASMANIA MAINLAND PARITY 2024 SIGN THE PETITION FOR SAPUTO Workers at Saputo Burnie are being paid 23. 5% less than mainlanders for doing the same job. Send Mr. Saputo message to stop milking his workers for profit and give his workers a fair slice of the cheese! AMWU EST. 1912 ELEC ELECT UNIVNS tasmania horised y Munday, 212 Liverpool ASHANIA Hobart.‎"‎‎

You can help make sure the company chairman, Lino Saputo (Quebec's richest man), knows that Tasmanians support these workers to get a fair pay deal. Please sign the petition and send a message to Lino Saputo - pay Tassie workers the same as mainlanders!



This is a tough time for Saputo workers, who remain off the job with no pay. The AMWU and CEPU have set up a hardship fund for Saputo workers to help offer them some support. If you are in a position to make even a small donation it would be appreciated.

Account name: Saputo Maint Hardship

BSB 632001

Acc 100234415