Tasmanian workers going backwards as cost of living continues to outstrip wages

27 April 2022

Hobarts Consumer Price Index (CPI) has recorded a 2% increase for the quarter, taking CPI to 5.8% for the year from March 2021 to March 2022.

This makes Tasmanias CPI the third highest in the country, and 0.7% higher than the national average of 5.1%. Wages are growing at a much slower rate with the most recent wages figures indicating Tasmanian wages were growing at 3%. Whatever way you cut it; Tasmanian wages are going backwards.

Tasmania, and Australia, is in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis with a Federal Government that has no plan to raise wages, said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.

Scott Morrison has no credibility on wages. He promises wage growth is just around the corner but it never is.

Unions have been calling for action from the Morrison Government on wages.

So far, the Morrison Government has done nothing to lift wages. They failed to support a pay rise for workers on the minimum wage the lowest paid workers in the country. They refuse to support the case for a pay rise currently before the Fair Work Commission for aged care workers. They wont crack down on wage theft.

At a State and Federal level, Liberal Governments have a history of capping the wages of their own workforce. Doing this puts downward pressure on wages across the economy and sends a signal to employers in the private sector that low ball wage offers are okay.

There is no solution to the cost-of-living crisis that doesnt involve workers receiving a decent pay rise, said Ms Munday. Tasmanian workers deserve a Government that will take strong action to lift wages.

For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809

Download PDF: Media release - Tasmanian workers going backwards as cost of living continues to outstrip wages 270422.pdf